Friday, 3 July 2015

Prophecy Update : Get Ready Church!

                                              Get Ready Church!

Dear Friends,
Thanks for your time. I have been blessed knowing that God is true in His Words.

After careful study of the Scriptures and the enemy trying to prevent my book from being published, I have had some time to do further research.

Get Ready.......The Rapture happens sooner than previously thought.
Get right with the Lord of Hosts now....

After studying the Book of Enoch and all the other prophets carefully, the Lord would appear to be coming in Septemeber of this year if not sooner.

A strange prediction of Enoch reveals that people might actually witness the Rapture happen in front of their eyes. That means when the church is raptured people will see the souls of those go up to meet the Lord in the air and will mourn because of that.

Then comes the great deception. In all probability an Alien abduction occurred is what the Governtments would say to explain the Rapture.

Suprisingly take a look at when this happens: Pslam 48 : 4-6.
It says when the kings of the earth assemble together, they shall witness an event, they shall marvel and their hearts would be filled with fear and shall flee.

The only place where all political leaders gather together is the UN. After the blood moons, the Shmita, The Super Shmita all occurring in September 2015, and the recent same sex marriage verdict, the JD helm project, the project bluebeam, and deciphering the bible codes all lead to one conclusion.....The Lord's Imminent return to gather us is here.
The UN convenes in September 2015. The Project JD Helm ends Septemeber 15th 2015, The Shmita is on the 13th of September 2015...The Bible codes predict the The Rapture on the Moed, passover, Tishri, day of atonement, Rosh Hashana, all feast days in September 2015. The last blood moon is on the 28th of September 2015.

This is the last slap in the face for all of us to wake up by the Lord!

God Bless and I will keep updating!