Saturday, 16 August 2014

Part 9. Interesting Prophecies to come! The Seven Seals Broken in the Book of Revelation explained.

       Part 9. Interesting Prophecies to come!

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Part 9. Interesting Prophecies to come.

Let me start by saying that there is a huge misunderstanding about the bible being a boring book. Oh, just another story, made up fiction. The bible actually has been made fun of many times.

What people don't really know is that the bible is a book of Prophecy.
It is compilation of books of Prophets and the history of the Jewish people.
Along with theology God gives His reasons and Prophecies so that when people look back in time they realize that it is The True God that made those events to pass. Not some natural occurance.

It is through Prophecy that God reveals Himself.
God has no reason to lie or decieve us. On the Contrary He wants us to know what will happen next so that we are aware it is His Hand at work and that we might be saved.

We have revealed that the days of Noah and Lot prophecies by Jesus have been fulfilled with all the evidences.

I would now like to take you into a tour of Heaven through the Book of Revelation, The Most Prophetic book of the Bible.

Hard to comprehend for those who don't know the the past. But we are above those.
With an insight to the past, prophecies fulfilled by Jesus, We now go to Heaven and the Words of Jesus.

The whole book has to be read. I suggest that each reader take the time to read the Book of Revelation and if any questions arise please do not hesitate to contact me

This Book has striking similarities with the Book of Daniel and the Book of Enoch.

I suggest also to the reader that a reading of those Books too is essential.

Why the Book of Revelation?
In the end Chapter 22 verse 7; Jesus says" Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.".

In short, Prophecy in this book has to be preached correctly, More so Jesus is saying this, so the importance is too great to ignore.

The First three verses of Chapter 1 say it all,

Revelation 1 New International Version (NIV)


1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.
I would like to implore the fact that it is imperative that the reader go through the entire book first.
Although you might not understand the images or visions seen, just be patient as I will try to explain them. In some instances God gives a pretty clear picture of what He intends to do.
Here are a few charts:
The Failures of each Church are spoken about by Jesus from Chapter 1 verse 17 to Chapter 3 verse 22.

The Resurrection of the Dead Timeline
“But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.” – I Corinthians 15:20
“But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” – I Corinthians 15:22-26
“The Firstfruits of the Resurrection”
Jesus Christ
c. AD33
“The First Resurrection”
They That Are Christ’s at His Coming
The Rapture
“The Second Resurrection”
Christians Who Are Born/Saved after the Rapture
After the Millennium
But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits;” – I Corinthians 15:23a
afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.” - I Corinthians 15:23b
Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” – I Corinthians 15:24-26
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
– Revelation 1:18
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. – Revelation 20:4,5
Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” – John 5:28,29

Before we continue to explain these charts Let us all look at some other Prophecies of other Religions.
Ancient Vedic
Predictions And Prophecies
From Susan Ferguson

Symptoms of the Kali Yuga
Writing itself is a symptom of the Kali Yuga. If you think about it, humans beings have been on planet Earth far longer than we have any record of any written word. However there are a few ancient writings which give us some idea of the other three ages. These were orally transmitted, memorized texts which were handed down from generation to generation and later written in Sanskrit down during the Kali Yuga. We no longer possess this remarkable command of memory. Imagine memorizing complete books! Most of us can barely remember the grocery list!
From the Sanskrit text the Linga Purana:
Some of these ancient texts actually predicted the conditions which now in exist the Twilight of the Kali Yuga. Remember, these are predictions! The ancients who bothered to write these prophecies down did so because they considered them to be abnormal, unheard-of, and outrageous.
Thieves will become kings, and kings will be the thieves.
Rulers will confiscate property and use it badly.
They will cease to protect the people.
Base men who have gained a certain amount of learning (without having the virtues necessary for its use) will be esteemed as sages.
There will be many displaced persons, wandering from one country to another.
Predatory animals will be more violent.
Fetuses will be killed in the wombs of their mothers.
People will prefer to choose false ideas.
No one will be able to trust anyone else.
People will be envious.
There will be many children born whose life expectancy is no more than 16 years.
People suffering from hunger and fear will take refuge in "underground shelters."
Young girls will do trade in their virginity.
The god of clouds will be inconsistent in the distribution of the rains.
Shopkeepers will run dishonest businesses.
There will be many beggars and unemployed people.
Everyone will use hard and vulgar language.
Men will devote themselves to earning money; the richest will hold power.
The state leaders will no longer protect the people but, through taxes, will appropriate all wealth.
Water will be lacking.
And my favorite quote:
"Pre-cooked food will be readily available!"
The fact that our food supply contains very little nutrition and is full of toxins also tells us something about the frequencies of Time we live in.
(The source of this information is a wonderful book entitled: While the Gods Play: Shiva Oracles and Predictions on the Cycles of History and the Destiny of Mankind, by Alain Danielou; Inner Traditions International Ltd., paperback, 1985.)
The End of the World
From the Sanskrit Puranas and the Mahabharata
At the end of each Kalpa
There are three kinds of what we call the "end of the world" (paralaya): the first induced (naimittka); the second natural (prakrita); the third immediate (atyantika). Induced destruction (which concerns all living beings on earth) takes place at the end of each Kalpa [cycle of the Yuga(s)]. It is called either accidental or induced (naimittka).
Natural destruction (prakritka) is that which concerns the whole universe. It takes place when the divine dream which is the world ends. Matter, space, and time then cease to exist. It takes place at the end of time (parardha). [Vishnu Purana 1.3.1-3]
The third destruction, called immediate (atayantika), refers to the liberation (moksha) of the individual for whom the visible world ceases to exist. Immediate destruction therefore concerns the individual, induced destruction all living species on earth, and natural destruction the end of the universe.
Accidental or induced destruction (Naimittika Pralaya)
To put an end to the disastrous and unplanned increase in the number of living beings.
What is called accidental or provoked destruction (of living species) (naimittika) takes place at the end of...the cycle of Yugas. Therefore it concerns the human species. It takes place when the creator can no longer find any remedy apart from a total destruction of the world to put an end to the disastrous and unplanned increase in the number of living beings. [Mahabharata 12.248.13-17]
This destruction will start with an underwater explosion called Vadava, the mare, which will take place in the southern ocean.
"It will be proceeded by a hundred year drought during which the people who are not robust will perish. The seas, the rivers, the mountain streams, and the underground streams will be drained.
Twelve suns will cause the seas to evaporate. Fed by this water, seven suns will form which will reduce the three worlds to ashes; the earth will become hard like a turtle's shell.
The underground serpent will burn the lower worlds A fire from the mouth of the underground serpent will burn the lower worlds, then the surface of the earth, and will set the atmosphere ablaze. This mass of fire will burn with a great noise. Surrounded by these circles of fire, all animate and inanimate objects will be destroyed.
The destroyer god will breathe enormous clouds, which will make a terrible noise.
A mass of clouds charged with energy, destroyer of all (sarvantaka), will appear in the sky like a herd of elephants. [Vishnu Purana 1.8.18-31]
When the moon is in the constellation of Pushya (Aquarius), invisible clouds called Pushkara (cloud of death) and Avarta (cloud without water, nirjala) will cover the earth. [Shiva Purana 5.1.48-50]
Immense clouds will darken the sky Some of these clouds will be black, others white like jasmine, others bronzed, others gray like donkeys, others red, others blue like lapis or sapphire, others speckled, orangish, indigo. They will resemble towns or mountains. They will cover all the earth. These immense clouds, making a terrible noise, will darken the sky and will shower the earth in a rain of dust which will extinguish the terrible fire.
Then, by means of an interminable downpour, they will flood the whole earth with water. This torrential rain will swamp the earth for twelve years, and humanity will be destroyed. The whole world will be in darkness. The flood will last seven years and the earth will seems like an immense ocean. [Vishnu Purana 1.7.24-40]
Refuge in the extraplanetary world of Mahar When the dissolution of the world seems immanent, some people abandon the earth during the last days of the Kalpa and take refuge in the world of Mahar [the extraplanetary world] and from there will return to the world of life" (janaloka). [Linga Purana 1.4.39-40]
Seven humanities must again succeed each other on earth, and when the Golden Age reappears, seven sages will emerge to again teach the divine law to the few survivors of the four castes. [Shiva Purana 5.4.40-70]
Those few humans who survive the holocaust will be the progenitors of the future humanity (Danielou).
The world dissolves into the imperceptible The destruction of the world is implied in the very event of the creation and follows the reverse process in the thoughts of the Creator. When the force of expansion (tamas) and that of concentration (sattva) equalize, the tension (rajas), which is the primary cause, the substance (pradhana) of the universe, ceases to exist and the world dissolves into the imperceptible.
All vestiges of creation are destroyed; Pradhana and Purusha become idle. The earth, the atmosphere, the planetary and extraplanetary worlds disappear. Everything that exists is united into one single liquid mass, an ocean of fire in which the world dissolves. It is in this immense cosmic ocean (ekarnava) that the organizing principle, Bramha, sleeps until, at the end of the night, he awakens and, taking the form of a wild boar, raises a new world out of the waves. [Linga Purana 1.4.36-61]
The duration of the universe is expressed by a number having eighteen figures. When the end of time has come, the principle of smell (gandha tanmatra) disappears and, with it, solid matter. Everything becomes liquid.
All that remains is the vibration of space Then the principle of taste (rasa tanmatra) disappears and with it the liquid element. Everything becomes gaseous. Then the principle of touch (sparsha tanmatra) disappears and with it the gaseous element. Everything becomes fire. Then the principle of visibility disappears, all that remains is the vibration of space, which in turn fades.
Like a void of spherical shape All that remains is space like a void of spherical shape where only the vibratory principle exists. This vibration is reabsorbed in the "Principle of the Elements" (bhutadi), that is, the principle of identification or of individuality (ahamkara), which is part of the force of expansion (tamas), which itself dissolves into a great principle (mahat tattva), which is the principle of consciousness (buddhi).
The plan (purusha), indestructible, omnipresent, which is emanation of Being, returns to its origin. [Vishnu Purana 1.8.9]
The game (lila) of the birth and the disappearance of the worlds is an act of power of the Being who is beyond substance (pradhana) and beyond the plan (purusha), beyond the manifest (vyakta) and the unmanifest (avyakta), and beyond time (kala). The time of the Being has neither beginning nor end. That is why the birth, duration, and disappearance of the worlds never stops.
Apart from Being, nothing exists any longer At the time of the destruction neither day nor night, space or earth, darkness or light, nor anything else exists any longer, apart from Being, beyond the perceptions of the senses or thought. [Vishnu Purana 1.1.18-23]
From: While the Gods Play, Shaiva Oracles & Predictions on the Cycles of History & the Destiny of Mankind by Alain Danielou, 1987, Inner Traditions.
                            Now let us look at Islamic Views.
The Minor Signs of the Last Day
by Mohammed Ali Ibn Zubair Ali

Qiyamah will come when...

Hadhrat Abu Musa Ash'ari (R.A.) narrates that Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhii Wassallam) said, "Qiyamah will come...
    * When it will be regarded as a shame to act on Quranic injunctions. * When untrustworthy people will be regarded as trustworthy and the trustworthy will be regarded as untrustworthy. * When it will be hot in winter (and vice versa). * When the length of days is stretched, i.e. a journey of a few days is covered in a matter of hours. * When orators and lecturers lie openly. * When people dispute over petty issues. * When women with children come displeased on account of them bearing offspring, and barren women remain happy on account of having no responsibility of offspring. * When oppression, jealousy, and greed become the order of the day. * When people blatantly follow their passions and whims. * When lies prevail over the truth. * When violence, bloodshed and anarchy become common. * When immorality overtakes shamelessness and is perpetrated publicly. * When legislation matters pertaining to Deen is handed over to the worst elements of the Ummat, and if people accept them and are satisfied with their findings, then such persons will not smell the fragrance of Jannat. * When the offspring become a cause of grief and anger (for their parents).

The following is part of a lengthy Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood (R.A.) when he inquired from Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) about the Signs of Qiyamah.
    * Music and musical instruments will be found in every home. * People will indulge in homosexuality. * There will be an abundance of illegitimate children. * There will be an abundance of critics, tale-carriers, back- biters and taunters in society. * People will establish ties with strangers and sever relations with their near and dear ones. * Hypocrites will be in control of the affairs of the community and evil, immoral people will be at the helm of business establishments. * The Masjid will be decorated, but the hearts of the people will be devoid of guidance. * The courtyards of Masjids will be built beautifully and high mimbars (pulpits) will be erected. * Gangsters and evil people will prevail. * Various wines will be consumed excessively.

Auf bin Malik (R.A.) says: I came to Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) while he was in his skin tent during the Tabuk expedition. He said to me, "Count six things before the advent of Qiyamah:
    1 My death 2 The conquest of Jerusalem 3 Mass deaths amongst you people, just as when sheep die in large numbers during an epidemic 4 Abundance of wealth to such an extent that if a person were to be given a hundred Dinars he will still not be satisfied 5 General anarchy and bloodshed, that no Arab household will be spared from it 6 Then a life of peace as a result of a peace agreement between you and the Banil Asfaar (Romans) which they will break and attack you with a force consisting of eighty flags and under each flag will be an army of twelve thousand men." (Hadith: Sahih Bukhari).


Abu Nadhrah says: "We were sitting in the company of Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.) when he said: 'Soon the people of IRAQ will neither receive any food (grain) nor any money.'" We asked, "Why would such a thing happen?" He replied, "Because of the non-Arabs." (i.e they will prevent food from going into Iraq, in the form of "sanctions" to this day.) He then said: "Soon the people of Shaam (SYRIA) will neither receive any money nor grain." We asked as to why this would happen. He replied: "Because of the Romans (christians)."


Hadhrat Abbas (R.A) narrates that Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) has said, "Islam will spread far and wide, across the seas. Horses will cross the land and seas in the cause of Jihaad. Then a time will come wherein a group of people will emerge which recites the Quraan. They will claim,
    'We have recited the Quraan and is there anyone who understands the Quraan better than us? There is NO ONE more proficient than us in the study of the Quraan.'

Then Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) asked the Sahaba, "Do you see any good in their claims?" The Sahaba replied, "No". Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) said, "But these conceited claimants will be from my Ummah and will be the fuel of the Fire."

from "Signs of Qiyamah" (excerpts) by Mohammed Ali Ibn Zubair Ali

What Islam believes about the End
When reading the Quran, or the Hadith(s), the reader cannot help but understand the end is firmly in view by the Muslim. Muslims do not view this life as the end, but only as the start of the next life. The role of the current life is to determine the next life. The result of the Muslim’s restoration and relationship with Allah through Mohammad.

The subject of the end times is known as eschatology and covers both what happens after death and the events at the end of time. Christianity and Islam share some similar beliefs, with much different outcomes. For one, in Christianity and Islam, Jesus Christ plays a central role in the timing of end; Islam believes the return of Jesus will occur at the end, like Christians. Muslims also believe in the resurrection of both the wicked and the righteous and the final judgment. Islam and Christianity both proclaim an eternal dwelling of the lost and saved, in either Hell or Heaven (Paradise). Therefore, in many ways, the structure of the end (eschatology) is similar to Christianity.

However, Christians and Muslims have two different views of what the final matter is. Both views of the end, however, cannot be true since they are diametrically opposed to each other. The Muslim Jesus descends and converts the world to Islam, kills the Jews, breaks crosses, declares himself a Muslim and gets married. He dies after 40-years.

Therefore, in the Muslim view, the end has a much different outcome compared to the Christian or the Jewish view. All Muslims do not agree on every aspect of Muslim eschatology. Sunnis and Shiites have a different view on the role of Muslim end time figure, known as the Mahdi, who will arrive before the return of Jesus. The Shiites view this person as someone who will establish order in the world and turn people to Islam before the return of Jesus. Even the particular events of the end are not completely spelled out in the Quran. The Hadith supplements what the Quran does not say.

Belief in the end-times or the last days is mandatory in Islam. It is listed as the fifth article of faith.

The Five articles of faith in Islam

1. God: He is One; his nature and qualities are chiefly revealed in his ninety-nine 'Most Beautiful Names'.

2. His angels: these include four archangels (e.g. Gabriel) and an indefinite number of ordinary
angels. There are also creatures between angels and men called jinn, some of which are good and
some evil.

3. His books: Scriptures were revealed to Adam, Seth, Enoch and Abraham, but these have now been lost. These are the main Scriptures: a. The Pentateuch (tawrat)
b. The Psalms (zabur)
(Both of these are said by Muslims to have been corrupted or misinterpreted by the
c. The Gospel (injil)
said by Muslims to have been corrupted or misinterpreted by the Christians)
d. The Quran, revealed to Muhammad

4. His apostles: The Quran names twenty-eight apostles, most of whom are biblical characters.
The six greatest are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, (Jesus) and Muhammad.

5. The Last Day: the day of judgment, when all will be judged according to their deeds, and
admitted to Paradise or to hell. Some summaries add the following two doctrines:

6. The predestination of good and evil by God.

7. The bodily resurrection of all people at the last day.

After death, What?

What happens after someone dies? According to the Quran, is not entirely clear. For this reason we need to examine the Hadith (traditions) to shed additional light on the matter. The event of death is something every human being will experience according to Islam. On the Day of Judgment, people will be paid full recompense. The experience for the faithful Muslim is different than the non-Muslim.

185. Every soul will taste of death. And ye will be paid on the Day of Resurrection only that which ye have fairly earned. Whoso is removed from the Fire and is made to enter Paradise, he indeed is triumphant. The life of this world is but comfort of illusion. Surah 3;185 (Pickthall)

The exact process of death is not clear, but the events at death are peppered throughout the Quran. First, the soul of a dying person comes to his throat,

“Why, then, when (the soul) cometh up to the throat (of the dying) Surah 56:83”.

This is then followed by the angels, who come and remove the soul from the body. The soul of the non-Muslim is violently removed; angels smite the soul in the process.

when the wrong doers reach the pangs of death and the angels stretch their hands out, saying: Deliver up your souls.
Surah 6;93

If thou couldst see how the anguish receive those who disbelieve, smiting their faces and their backs and (saying): Taste the punishment of burning!
Surah 8:50

According to the Hadith, what happens to a believer (Muslim) and a non-Muslim is vastly different.
Geisler summarizes these events,

“The soul of the faithful person, which is easily removed from the body, is clothed in a heavenly and sweet smelling garment by radiant and smiling angels. The soul is taken through the seven heavens, entering the presence of God who then orders the angels to return the soul to its earthly body until the day of judgment. On the other hand, the soul of the unbelieving person is removed from its body with a great deal of struggle. The angel of death clothes the soul with a foul smelling garment. The angel responsible for the wicked soul also tries to take the soul through the various levels of heaven but he gates of heaven are not opened to them (7:40), and the soul is then returned to the body”[1]

All these events take place while the body is being washed, demonstrating how quick the above events take place.

1. Life in the Grave (Barzakh)

According to Islam, life continues in the grave after the body is buried. Life in the grave is known as Barzakh. According to Islamic tradition, while in the grave, two angels question the newly dead. Their names are Munkar and Nakir. They ask the person three questions:

1. Who is your God?

2. Who is your prophet?

3. What is your faith?

If the person answers correctly -- Allah, Islam and Muhammad -- the angels will make the grave more comfortable. They open a window where the view and orders of paradise can be enjoyed. For those who do not answer correctly, a window to hell will be opened, their grave will narrow, their ribs are crushed as they feel the heat and hot winds of hell. This will continue while the person awaits judgment. Only those who die in Jihad will go directly to Paradise.

Torment in the grave is clearly taught in Islam, especially in the traditions of the prophet. In the Bukhari we read the following.
Narrated Anas bin Malik
:Allah's Apostle said, "When (Allah's) slave is put in his grave and his companions return and he even hears their footsteps, two angels come to him and make him sit and ask, 'What did you use to say about this man (i.e. Muhammad)?' The faithful Believer will say, 'I testify that he is Allah's slave and His Apostle.' Then they will say to him, 'Look at your place in the Hell Fire; Allah has given you a place in Paradise instead of it.' So he will see both his places." (Qatada said, "We were informed that his grave would be made spacious." Then Qatada went back to the narration of Anas who said;) Whereas a hypocrite or a non-believer will be asked, "What did you use to say about this man." He will reply, "I do not know; but I used to say what the people used to say." So they will say to him, "Neither did you know nor did you take the guidance (by reciting the Quran)." Then he will be hit with iron hammers once, that he will send such a cry as everything near to him will hear, except Jinns and human beings. (See Hadith No. 422). Volume 2, Book 23, number 456 Bukhari

Aisha, Mohammad’s favorite wife, relates Mohammad’s comments about punishment in the grave. She states how Mohammad feared punishment in grave and prayed that he would be kept from it.

Narrated Masruq: 'Aisha said that a Jewess came to her and mentioned the punishment in the grave, saying to her, "May Allah protect you from the punishment of the grave." 'Aisha then asked Allah's Apostle about the punishment of the grave. He said, "Yes, (there is) punishment in the grave." 'Aisha added, "After that I never saw Allah's Apostle but seeking refuge with Allah from the punishment in the grave in every prayer he prayed." Volume 2, Book 23, Number 454:Bukhari

There is, however, an exception for the believer who dies in Jihad. He goes directly to Paradise, foregoing life in the grave, as others who die. He is guaranteed by Allah to go right to Paradise.

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Allah guarantees him who strives in His Cause and whose motivation for going out is nothing but Jihad in His Cause and belief in His Word, that He will admit him into Paradise (if martyred) or bring him back to his dwelling place, whence he has come out, with what he gains of reward and booty." Volume 4, Book 53, Number 352: Bukhari

Regarding the rest of the believers (Muslims) there is speculation. The Quran does not go into detail about life after death. According to Al-Ghazzali, a famous Muslim theologian, the condition of the believer can vary between four categories. Some will wander the earth; some God allows to slumber; martyrs are flown up to heaven after a few months in the grave; and the prophets can choose to remain on earth or go to heaven.[2] All of this continues until the Final Hour, when history is concluded.

The End Times

Like both Christianity and Judaism, Islam has a point when history is brought to a conclusion -- the final hour or the end times. In Islam, Christianity and Judaism, this end time is a conflict between nations and God’s Messiah. Both Christianity and Islam, see Jesus as the Messiah, while Judaism rejects Jesus as Messiah. Judaism however, looks to the coming of their Messiah at the end of days.

All three faiths see the coming of an antichrist. Although the term used might differ in each, they see an end times world leader who opposes God and his rule. The Muslims call him, Dajjal; in Judaism he is called Armilus;[3] while in Christianity he is known as the Antichrist or the Beast[4]. In all three faiths, the Messiah defeats this end times world leader, who opposes God’s law. God's law for the Muslims is the Quran.

Also, playing a prominent role in end times events for all three faiths, is the appearance of Gog and Magog. These nations are mentioned in the Old Testament (Ezekiel 38 & 39), in the book of Revelation (Chapter 20) and in the Quran (Surah 18:94,97, 21:96). Gog and Magog head a group of nations opposed to God in the end of days.

Another character playing a prominent role in Islam, especially in the Shia sect is the Mahdi. Mahdi comes either before or with the return of Jesus, to set things in order. There is dispute within Islam regarding his nature and function. The Shia sect views this individual as the 12th Imam, hidden until the time when he should appear.

The time of the end

According to the Quran, the end times is hidden by Allah, who will reveal the time when it is at hand.

15. Lo! the Hour is surely coming. But I will to keep it hidden, that every soul may be rewarded for that which it striveth (to achieve)
Surah 20:15

63. Men ask you of the Hour. Say: The knowledge of it is with Allah only. What can convey (the knowledge) unto thee? It may be that the Hour is nigh.
Surah 30:63

Even though the time is hidden, according to the Quran, there are signs, which Muslims are told to watch for. These signs are recorded in the 81st and 82nd Surahs. They list environmental events which effect the whole earth.

1. When the heaven is cleft asunder, 2. When the planets are dispersed,
3. When the seas are poured forth, 4. And the sepulchres are overturned,
5. A soul will know what it hath sent before (it) and what left behind
Surah 82:1-5. Al-Infitar

1. When the sun is overthrown, 2. And when the stars fall,
3. And when the hills are moved,
6. And when the seas rise,
10. And when the pages are laid open,
11. And when the sky is torn away,
Surah 81:1-3, 6, 10-11

In addition to the Quran, the Hadith (or traditions) also focuses on end-times. The Hadith refers to the end times as the Last Hour. In fact, the 41st book of the Sahih Muslim Hadith deals entirely with the Last Hour. In the Last Hour, Muslims view events leading to the return of Jesus, son of Mary. Sahih Muslim lists ten signs leading to the return of Jesus.

Hudhaifa b. Usaid Ghifari reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) came to us all of a sudden as we were (busy in a discussion). He said: What do you discuss about? They (the Companions) said. We are discussing about the Last Hour. Thereupon he said: It will not cone until you see ten signs before and (in this connection) he made a mention of the smoke, Dajjal, the beast, the rising of the sun from the west, the descent of Jesus son of Mary (Allah be pleased with him), the Gog and Magog, and land-slidings in three places, one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia at the end of which fire would burn forth from the Yemen, and would drive people to the place of their assembly. Sahih Muslim Book 041, Number 6931

The Dajjal (The Imposter)

According to Islamic tradition, the person of the Dajjal or Antichrist plays a prominent role. Many Hadith repeat information; some Hadiths conflict with others; one Hadith has him linked to the fall of Constantinople[5] in 1453 A.D.; another links him to a contemporary of Mohammad[6], Ibn Sayyad, indicating Mohammad expected his day to be the Last Hour.

In Islam, the Antichrist is described in several ways, one of the more common understandings is he will be a Jew who will have one eye, with the word Kafir on his forehead. He will lead the armies against Islam, only to be defeated by Jesus Christ, at the second coming.

He is a Jew … (Book 041, Number 6995: Sahih Muslim)

Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Dajjal is blind of one eye and there is written between his eyes the word" Kafir". He then spelled the word as k. f. r., which every Muslim would be able to read. ( Book 041, Number 7009 Sahih Muslim)

The Second Coming of Jesus, who is referred to as the Son of Mary, has several descriptions in the Hadith. The description below describes a coming confrontation between the "Muslim" Jesus and the Dajjal (Antichrist). Here the Dajjal turns people to the wrong religion, causes rainfall and draught and does signs and wonders.

An-Nawwas b. Sam'an reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) made a mention of the Dajjal one day in the morning……. If he comes forth while I am among on, I (Muhammad) shall contend with him on your behalf, but if he comes forth while I am not amongst you, a man must contend on his own behalf and Allah would take care of every Muslim on my behalf …... He (Dajjal) would be a young man with twisted, contracted hair, and a blind eye. I compare him to 'Abd-ul-'Uzza b. Qatan. He who amongst you would survive to see him should recite over him the opening verses of Sura Kahf (xviii.). He would appear on the way between Syria and Iraq and would spread mischief right and left. O servant of Allah! adhere (to the path of Truth). We said: Allah's Messenger, how long would he stay on the earth? He said.. For forty days, one day like a year and one day like a month and one day like a week and the rest of the days would be like your days. ……..He would come to the people and invite them (to a wrong religion) and they would affirm their faith in him and respond to him. He would then give command to the sky and there would be rainfall upon the earth and it would grow crops. …..He (Dajjal) would then walk through the waste, land and say to it: Bring forth your treasures, and the treasures would come out and collect (themselves) before him like the swarm of bees. He would then call a person brimming with youth and strike him with the sword and cut him into two pieces and (make these pieces lie at a distance which is generally) between the archer and his target. He would then call (that young man) and he will come forward laughing with his face gleaming (with happiness) and it would at this very time that Allah would send Christ, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damscus wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he would lower his head, there would fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he would raise it up, beads like pearls would scatter from it. Every non-believer who would smell the odour of his self would die and his breath would reach as far as he would be able to see. He would then search for him (Dajjal) until he would catch hold of him at the gate of Ludd and would kill him. Book 041, Number 7015 Sahih Muslim

These descriptions in the Quran and the Hadith do not always match - several conflict with others. The main point is that Jesus returns in the end and kills the Dajjal, the Antichrist. Another person who plays a part in the Muslim perspective, is the Mahdi.

The Mahdi (the guided one) and the Muslim Jesus

The Mahdi will lead the armies of Islam in the end times struggle against the enemies of Islam. The Shia sect of Islam puts a greater emphasis on the Mahdi as opposed to the Sunni sect of Islam. The Mahdi is not mentioned in the Quran, so almost all understanding of his role comes from Islamic tradition and history. Regarding the Hadiths, he (the Mahdi) is not in the most reliable hadiths such as Bakhari or Sahih Muslim. However, his coming is also sought in the Sunni part of Islam as well.

Narrated AbuSa'id al-Khudri: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The Mahdi will be of my stock, and will have a broad forehead a prominent nose. He will fill the earth will equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny, and he will rule for seven years. Abu Dawud Book 36, Number 4272:

Encyclopedia Britannica writes regarding the Muslim belief in the Mahdi,

(Arabic: “divinely guided one”), in Islāmic eschatology, a messianic deliverer who will fill the Earth with justice and equity, restore true religion, and usher in a short golden age lasting seven, eight, or nine years before the end of the world. The Qurʾān (Islāmic sacred scriptures) does not mention him, and almost no reliable adīth (saying attributed to the Prophet Muammad) concerning the mahdī can be adduced. Many orthodox Sunnī theologians accordingly question Mahdist beliefs, but such beliefs form a necessary part of Shīʿī doctrine……………..The doctrine of the mahdī seems to have gained currency during the confusion and insecurity of the religious and political upheavals of early Islām (7th and 8th centuries). In 686, al-Mukhtār ibn Abū ʿUbayd at-Thaqafī, leader of a revolt of non-Arab Muslims in Iraq, seems to have first used the doctrine by maintaining his allegiance to a son of ʿAlī (Muammad's son-in-law and fourth caliph), Muammad ibn al-anafīyah, even after al-anafīyah's death. Abū ʿUbayd taught that, as mahdī, al-anafīyah remained alive in his tomb in a state of occultation (ghaybah) and would reappear to vanquish his enemies. In 750 the ʿAbbāsid revolution made use of eschatological prophecies current at the time that the mahdī would rise in Khorāsān in the east, carrying a black banner……………Belief in the mahdī has tended to receive new emphasis in every time of crisis. Thus, after the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212), when most of Spain was lost for Islām, Spanish Muslims circulated traditions ascribed to the Prophet foretelling a reconquest of Spain by the mahdī. During the Napoleonic invasion of Egypt, a person claiming to be the mahdī appeared briefly in Lower Egypt.

According to the Shia sect, the Mahdi is the 12th Imam, Muammad Al-muntazar, the Hidden Imam, who disappeared in 878 A.D. They believe he is alive and will reappear at the end of time to lead the Muslim armies. Jesus and the armies of Mahdi conquer the world and force everyone to become Muslims. The Dajjal, the Antichrist, and his force of 70,000 Jews will be destroyed. In the process, Jesus will kill the pigs, break the crosses and kills the Jews. After this, Jesus will get married, live fourty-years, and have children. He will die and be buried next to Mohammad in Medina.

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews. Book 041, Number 6985: Sahih Muslim:

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts). Volume 3, Book 43, Number 656 Bukahri

Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus (peace_be_upon_him). He will descent (to the earth). When you see him, recognise him: a man of medium height, reddish fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him. Book 37, Number 4310: Abu Dawud

The Resurrection

Following the death and burial of Jesus, will be the resurrection of all, according to Islam. This event will be preceded by the trumpet blast, which crushes the mountains. In Islam all will be gathered and submit to Allah.

13. And when the trumpet shall sound one blast
14. And the earth with the mountains shall be lifted up and crushed with one crash,
15. Then, on that day will the Event befall.
16. And the heaven will split asunder, for that day it will be frail.
Surah 69:13-16

Every living creature will die, even the angels, causing all to submit to the oneness of God, tawhid. (Surah 55:26-27, 28:88) Then all will be resurrected, including the angel who blows the trumpet to the resurrection. All will be gathered before the throne of God to be judged for their deeds. On this day, two groups will be separated. The believers will have joy and the disbelievers will face doom.

33. But when the Shout cometh 34. On the day when a man fleeth from his brother
35. And his mother and his father 36. And his wife and his children,
37. Every man that day will have concern enough to make him heedless (of others).
38. On that day faces will be bright as dawn,
39. Laughing, rejoicing at good news;
40. And other faces, on that day, with dust upon them,
41. Veiled in darkness,
42. Those are the disbelievers, the wicked.
Surah 80:33-42

The Day of Accounting

With the masses of humanity and jinn assembled before the throne, the time comes for them to be divided, according to judgment. The sins and actions of humanity recorded in the book of deeds will be placed before them, according to the Quran.

49. And the Book is placed, and thou seest the guilty fearful of that which is therein, and they say: What Kind of a book is this that leaveth not a small thing nor a great thing but hath counted it! And they find all that they did confronting them, and thy Lord wrongeth no one. Surah 18:49

Individuals whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds will attain “Success”. Those whose scales are light will loose their souls. (Surah 7:8-9) The people will be gathered to the right and the left of the throne of God, which is upheld by eight angels.

Those on the right will enter the Gardens of Paradise, those on the left will get chains for hell. Both groups will then be forced to cross over the bridge of “Hell”, called sirat (seerat).

18. On that day ye will be exposed; not a secret of you will be hidden. 19. Then, as for him who is given his record in his right hand, he will say: Take, read my book! 20. Surely I knew that I should have to meet my reckoning. 21. Then he will be in blissful state 22. In a high Garden 23. Whereof the clusters are in easy reach. 24. (And it will be said unto those therein): Eat and drink at ease for that which ye sent on before you in past days. 25. But as for him who is given his record in his left hand, he will say: Oh, would that I had not been given my book 26. And knew not what my reckoning! 27. Oh, would that it had been death! 28. My wealth hath not availed me, 29. My power hath gone from me. 30. (It will be said): Take him and fetter him 31. And then expose him to hell fire 32. And then insert him in a chain whereof the length is seventy cubits.
Surah 69:18-31

The believers will be successful in their crossing, but those on the left will fall into Hell when they try to cross. The Hadith, and not the Quran, sheds the most light on this event. Muslims will also face Hell, to pay for their sins, but eventually, the Mercy of Allah will free them.

Narrated 'Ata' bin Yazid Al-Laithi:……….Then a bridge will be laid across Hell (Fire)' I and my followers will be the first ones to go across it and none will speak on that Day except the Apostles. And the invocation of the Apostles on that Day will be, 'O Allah, save! Save!' In Hell (or over The Bridge) there will be hooks like the thorns of As-Sa'dan (thorny plant)…… Those hooks will snap the people away according to their deeds. Some of the people will stay in Hell (be destroyed) because of their (evil) deeds, and some will be cut or torn by the hooks (and fall into Hell) and some will be punished and then relieved. When Allah has finished His Judgments among the people, He will take whomever He will out of Hell through His Mercy. He will then order the angels to take out of the Fire all those who used to worship none but Allah from among those whom Allah wanted to be merciful to and those who testified (in the world) that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Volume 9, Book 93, Number 532c: Bukhari

Mohammed as Intercessor

Muslims are dependent on their works to save them from the fires of Hell. If their bad deeds outweigh the good, they are destined to burn in Hell fire. Unlike Islam, Christianity has a Messiah who paid for the sins of those who are lost, by dying on the cross. Islam has no such savior in the Quran. However, in the Hadith, Mohammad takes on the role as intercessor for the Muslim. Even Jesus and Abraham cannot equal the intercession of Mohammad. So Muslims, on the day of judgment, put their ultimate hope on Muhammad and his ability to intercede.

"Muhammad talked to us saying, 'On the Day of Resurrection the people will surge with each other like waves, and then they will come to Adam and say, 'Please intercede for us with your Lord.' He will say, 'I am not fit for that but you'd better go to Abraham as he is the Khalil of the Beneficent.' They will go to Abraham and he will say, 'I am not fit for that, but you'd better go to Moses as he is the one to whom Allah spoke directly.' So they will go to Moses and he will say, 'I am not fit for that, but you'd better go to Jesus as he is a soul created by Allah and His Word.' (Be: And it was) they will go to Jesus and he will say, 'I am not fit for that, but you'd better go to Muhammad.' ……………

They would come to me and I would say, 'I am for that.' Then I will ask for my Lord's permission, and it will be given, and then He will inspire me to praise Him with such praises as I do not know now. So I will praise Him with those praises and will fall down, prostrate before Him. Then it will be said, 'O Muhammad, raise your head and speak, for you will be listened to; and ask, for your will be granted (your request); and intercede, for your intercession will be accepted.' I will say, 'O Lord, my followers! My followers!' And then it will be said, 'Go and take out of Hell (Fire) all those who have faith in their hearts, equal to the weight of a barley grain.' I will go and do so and return to praise Him with the same praises, and fall down (prostrate) before Him. Then it will be said, 'O Muhammad, raise your head and speak, for you will be listened to, and ask, for you will be granted (your request); and intercede, for your intercession will be accepted.' I will say, 'O Lord, my followers! My followers!' It will be said, 'Go and take out of it all those who have faith in their hearts equal to the weight of a small ant or a mustard seed.' I will go and do so and return to praise Him with the same praises, and fall down in prostration before Him. It will be said, 'O, Muhammad, raise your head and speak, for you will be listened to, and ask, for you will be granted (your request); and intercede, for your intercession will be accepted.' I will say, 'O Lord, my followers!' Then He will say, 'Go and take out (all those) in whose hearts there is faith even to the lightest, lightest mustard seed. (Take them) out of the Fire.' I will go and do so… Volume 9, Book 93, Number 601: Bukhari

Heaven and Hell

The description of Heaven and Hell as the final destination are presented in both the Quran and the Hadith. Like the rest of Islam, the more detailed presentation is made in the Hadith as opposed to the Quran. The Quran describes Hell in graphic terms, a place of torment and burning.

62. Is this better as a welcome, or the tree of Zaqqam?
63. Lo! We have appointed it a torment for wrong doers.
64. Lo! it is a tree that springeth in the heart of hell
65. Its crop is as it were the heads of devils
66. And lo! they verily must eat thereof, and fill (their) bellies therewith.
67. And afterward, lo! thereupon they have a drink of boiling water
68. And afterward, lo! their return is surely unto hell. Surah 37:62-68

35. On the day when it will (all) be heated in the fire of hell, and their foreheads and their flanks and their backs will be branded therewith (and it will be said unto them): Here is that which ye hoarded for yourselves. Now taste of what ye used to hoard. Surah 9:35

While Heaven (Paradise) is described as a place where one enjoys his wives, drinks non-intoxicating wine, and lives in bliss in the shade. The Bukhari Hadith describes heaven (Paradise) as having a pearl sixty miles wide, where one set of wives do not see the others. This allows the believer (Muslim) to visit his many wives in Paradise, without having the other wives know.

43. In the Gardens of delight, 44. On couches facing one another 45. A cup from a gushing spring is brought round for them,
46. White, delicious to the drinkers, 47. Wherein there is no headache nor are they made mad thereby.
48. And with them are those of modest gaze, with lovely eyes, Surah 37:43-48

55. Lo! those who merit paradise this day are happily employed, 56. They and their wives, in pleasant shade, on thrones reclining; 57. Theirs the fruit (of their good deeds) and theirs (all) that they ask; 58. The word from a Merciful Lord (for them) is: Peace!
Surah 36:55-58

Narrated Abdullah bin Qais: Allah's Apostle said, "In Paradise there is a pavilion made of a single hollow pearl sixty miles wide, in each corner of which there are wives who will not see those in the other corners; and the believers will visit and enjoy them. And there are two gardens, the utensils and contents of which are made of silver; and two other gardens, the utensils and contents of which are made of so-and-so (i.e. gold) and nothing will prevent the people staying in the Garden of Eden from seeing their Lord except the curtain of Majesty over His Face.” Volume 6, Book 60, Number 402: Bukhari

In contrast to the rest of those in Paradise, the martyr or the person who dies in Jihad, receives 72 wives in Paradise and has the right to intercede for seventy relatives.

Al-Miqdam ibn madikarib Ma'dikarib (Hadith)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "The martyr receives six good things from Allah: he is forgiven at the first shedding of his blood; he is shown his abode in Paradise; he is preserved from the punishment in the grave; he is kept safe from the greatest terror; he has placed on his head the crown of honour, a ruby of which is better than the world and what it contains; he is married to seventy-two wives of the maidens with large dark eyes; and is made intercessor for seventy of his relatives."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it


Buddhist Time Prophecies

At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world an Exalted. One named Metteyya, Arahat, Fully Awakened, abounding in wisdom and goodness, happy, with knowledge of the worlds, unsurpassed as a guide to mortals willing to be led, a teacher for gods and men, an Exalted One,
a Buddha, even as I am now...
...He, by himself, will thoroughly know and see, as it were face to face, this universe, with Its worlds of the spirits, Its Brahmas and Its Maras, and Its world of recluses and Brahmins, of princes and peoples, even as I now, by myself, thoroughly know and see them. -Digha Nikaya 1
The truth [the Norm, the Dhamma], lovely in origin, lovely in Its progress, lovely in Its consummation, will he (Metteyya Buddha) proclaim, both in the spirit and in letter, the higher life will he make known, in all Its fullness and in all Its purity, even as I do know. He will be accompanied by a congregation of some thousands of Brethren, even as I an now accompanied by a congregation of some hundreds of Brethren.
---Digha Nikaya 2
This prophecy of Gautama Buddha clearly predicts that the teaching of Mettayya Buddha will be a worldwide teaching. Baha'u'llah, the founder of Baha'i Faith, does not just fulfill the Buddhist prophecies. He is also Promised One of Jews "the expected Messiah", for Christians and Muslims the awaited return of Christ, for the Zoroastrians (Parsees) the Saoshyant, for the Hindus the Kalki Avatar, as well as being for Buddhists the Metteyya Buddha. The prophecy of the Lord Buddha that the teaching of Metteyya Buddha will be much more extensive than his own is already being fulfilled through the Baha'i Faith, already a worldwide religion with communities in every part of the planet consisting of all the races and nations of humanity. So what is this ' teaching that is lovely' predicted by Gautama Buddha and which Baha'is believe Baha'u'll'ah has brought? It is the renewed spiritual guidance and the new social teachings given by Baha'u'll'ah. TIME PROPHECIES
But there is another prophecy that is much more specific about the time of the coming of the Metteyya Buddha. Sariputta asked the Buddha:
'The Hero that shall follow you?
As Buddha of what sort is he?
The account in full I fain would learn.
Declare to me thou seeing one'
Gautama Buddha replied: ' I will tell you, Sariputta
Pray lend your ears, for I will speak.
In this auspicious aeon
' Three leaders have already lived
Kakusandha, Konagamana
And also the leader Kassapa. 'The Buddha Supreme, now am I
But after me Mettayya comes,
Before this auspicious aeon
Runs to the end of years. "This Buddha, then, Mettayya by name
Supreme, and of all men the chief...'
Sariputta: 'How will it occur?' Buddha replied:
'After my decease, first will occur the five disappearences. And what are the five disappearances?' The disappearance of attainments [to nibbana], the disappearance of the method [inability to practice wisdom, insight and the four purities of moral habit], the disappearance of learning [loss of men who follow the Dhamma and the forgetting of the Pitakas and other scriptures], the disappearance of the symbols [the loss of the outward forms, the robes and practices of monkhood], the disappearance of the relics [the Dhatu]... "Then when the Dispensation of the perfect Buddha is 5000 years old, the relics, not receiving reverence and honor will go to places where they can receive them... This, Sariputta, is called the disappearance of relics'.
This passage clearly shows that the Metteyya Buddha will appear 'before this auspicious aeon runs to the end of years'. Since Gautama Buddha appeared in India and was speaking to disciples who had also been Hindus and were familiar with the Hindu system of dating cycles. It would seem likely that when Gautama Buddha said 'before this auspicious aeon runs to the end of years', he was speaking of the Hindu Kali Yuga in the middle of which he had appeared. This Kali Yuga ended at noon on 1 August 1943, equivalent to the year 2486 of the Buddhist Era. Therefore according to this prophecy of the Buddha, the Metteyya Buddha should already have appeared sometime before 1943. It is true that this prophecy of the Five Disappearances states that the last of the Disappearances will occur when the Dispensation of the Buddha is five thousand years old. Since only 2,500 years have passed, It might seem that it is not yet time for the coming of Metteyya Buddha. It should however, be borne in mind that when the Buddha allowed woman to be ordained as nuns, he then prophesied that because of this time that the Dhamma endured would be halved. The period during which the full Dhamma is known and Nibbana achieved (the First Disappearance) is halved from one thousand years to five hundred and similarly for the whole process. Thus resulting in 2,500 years during which all of the Five Disappearances must occur. The year 2500 of the Buddhist Era was celebrated in AD 1956. This ties in very well with AD 1943 as the last possible date for the appearance of the Metteyya Buddha. Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah, who appeared in the century before the expiration of this deadline, was the Metteyya Buddha. The Five Disappearances refer to the gradual disappearance of the Dhamma from the world. This is something which the Buddha knew would happen since everything in this world is transient and changes. He describes the gradual fading of the efficacy of his teachings until even the 'true sacred relics (Dh'atu), not receiving reverence and honor, will go to places where they can receive them. If we consider the situation in the Buddhist world at the time of the advent of Baha'u'll'ah in the middle of the nineteenth century, we will note that all of this prophecy had been fulfilled by that time. Buddhism had disappeared from native soil in India, the sacred relics had gone from India ' to places where they can receive reverence and honor in Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand and elsewhere in the Buddhist world. The scripture and the Dhamma could even be said to have disappeared from the Buddhist community, when Colonel Olcott arrived in Sri Lanka in the last half of the nineteenth century, he could find no monks who knew Pali and could read the scriptures. There has, of course been a revival in Buddhism since those days but this is only to be expected. For with the appearance of a new Buddha, Baha'u'llah, in this world, the light is once more shining, and the sun, when It shines, shines on all things, whether or not they are turned to it. Even today in Buddhist countries, however, It is difficult to apply the laws of the Sangha as given in the Buddhist scriptures. Monks, for example, rarely now join the Sangha for life: many are forced to carry money with them, some are involved in politics, and so forth. Gautama Buddha described the degraded state of the world at the time of the coming of Metteyya, these conditions have been fulfilled today. Thus, brethren, from goods not being bestowed on the destitute, poverty grew great ..stealing... violence... murder...lying...evil speaking...adultery...abusive and idle talk...covetousness and ill-will...false opinions... incest, wanton greed and perverted lust...till finally lack of filial and religious piety and lack of regard for the head of the clan grew great. From these things growing, the life-span of those beings and the comliness of them wasted. Among such humans, the ten moral courses on conduct will disappear, the ten immoral courses of action will flourish excessively, there will be no word for moral among such humans - far less any moral agent. Among such humans, brethren, they who lack filial and religious piety, and show no respect for the head clan - It is they whom homage and praise will be given to the filial-minded, to the pious and to them who respect the heads of their clans... The world will fall into promiscuity, like goats and sheep, fowls and swine, dogs and jackals. Among such humans, brethren, keen mutual enmity will become the rule, keen ill-will, keen animosity, passionate thoughts even of killing, in a mother towards her child. In a child towards mother, in a father towards his child and a child towards his father, in brother to brother, in brother to sister, in sister to brother... As indicated in this prophecy, the Dhamma will have disappeared from the world by this time. Gautama Buddha states that the true Dhamma will not disappear from the world until a false Dhamma appears to replace it. There is no disappearing of the true Dhamma until a counterfeit Dhamma arises in the world. Once a counterfeit Dhamma arises then there is a disappearing of the true Dhamma. It is when, here in the order itself, hollow and foolish persons arise that they make this true Dhamma disappear. Baha'u'llah has confirmed that this false, counterfeit Dhamma is present in the world and is replacing the true Dhamma. In the Baha'i writings it is stated that the true Dhamma has been replaced by a desire for material things: Today, all the peoples of the world are indulging in self-interest and exert the utmost effort and endeavor to promote their own material interests. They are worshiping themselves and not the divine reality. They seek diligently their own benefit and not the common weal. This is because they are captives of the world of nature and unaware of the divine teachings, of the bounty, of the kingdom and of the Sun of Truth. These prophecies appear to describe accurately the present condition of the world with materialism, consumerism, promiscuity, drug problems and increasing violence and conflict. These problems are ravaging every society and undermining the pillars of all social structures. The way in which this situation can be remedied is, as the prophecy indicates, for a new Buddha to arise. Only a new Buddha can restore the Dhamma and replace the counterfeit Dhamma of materialism and selfishness. Only a new Buddha can give the new teachings to solve the social problems of the world. Only a new Buddha can solve the problems caused by the modern world by giving new laws.

Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah is
the Metteyya Buddha prophesied by Lord Buddha.

Baha'is recognize Baha'u'llah "as the Judge, the Lawgiver and Redeemer of all mankind, as the Organizer of the entire planet, as the Unifier of the children of men, as the Inaugurator of the long-awaited millennium, as the Originator of a new "Universal Cycle," as the Establisher of the Most Great Peace, as the Fountain of the Most Great Justice, as the Proclaimer of the coming of age of the entire human race, as the Creator of a new World Order, and as the Inspirer and Founder of a world civilization. To Israel He was neither more nor less than the incarnation of the "Everlasting Father," the "Lord of Hosts" come down "with ten thousands of saints"; to Christendom Christ returned "in the glory of the Father," to Shi'ah Islam the return of the Imam Husayn; to Sunni Islam the descent of the "Spirit of God" (Jesus Christ); to the Zoroastrians the promised Shah-Bahram; to the Hindus the reincarnation of Krishna; to the Buddhists the fifth Buddha...
    He alone is meant by the prophecy attributed to Gautama Buddha Himself, that "a Buddha named Maitreye, the Buddha of universal fellowship" should, in the fullness of time, arise and reveal "His boundless glory"...
Baha'u'llah wrote:
"Verily I say, this is the day in which mankind can behold the Face and hear the Voice of the Promised One. The call of God hath been raised, and the light of His countenance hath been lifted up upon men. It behooveth every man to blot out the trace of every idle word from the tablet of his heart, and to gaze, with an open and unbiased mind, on the signs of His Revelation, the proofs of His Mission, and the tokens of His Glory."-Baha'u'llah, Baha'i World Faith p.9-11

Praise God!
Please note: What is the main hope of Christian? By Now you must have realized that it is the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ.
Christ according to Islam will come with Angels to find and Kill the Dajjal.
Ok. So we have seen many Prophecies of different religions.
Not one of them mentions the Rapture.
If those religions don't mention the Rapture then those who are followers would naturally not be looking for the signs or prophecies to be fulfilled and will not keep watch! Thus missing the Rapture and Glory of the Kingdom and then they would be left at the Devil's mercy and God's Wrath!
Here are a few points to ponder on:
Christianity is very clear what happens to a soul. Where the soul goes, the first ressurection and the Second Ressurection and the Final Judgement. Christ will reign for a thousnd years after His Second Coming. Remember " The whole world mourns on seeing Him"?
Now do you know why All those people Mourn?
Now is the picture getting brighter? A little more clearer?

             Satan's Falsifictaion of being the Christ!

Now when millions of people disappear, and there is chaos, no one knows where or why this happened and a false Christ appears in heaven coming down to earth, to decieve the whole world" EVEN THE ELECT", and gives the world an explanation, imagine the deception.
Remember at this time the Church would have been Raptured.
Why do I believe so, why do I keep repeating these things. Well please let us take a microscopic view at the book of Revelation:
Summary of the events on earth as Prophesied:
There is a Scroll in Heaven that only Jesus can Open:
There are seven seals on the scroll. Remember in ancient times, any scroll or important roll of paper would bear a wax seal with the insignia of the person sending it. It would only be opened by the Highest authority or the person mentioned by the accompanying letter. Otherwise it could not be opened. Penalty was very harsh.
So Jesus is found worthy in Heaven to open the Scroll Given by God.
Seals 1-4 when opened unleash the four Horsemen:
Seal one broken: A white horse, he who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him to conquer and he went out conquering and to conquer: This is the Spirit of the the Anti-Christ. AKA the devil.
Explanation: Before the world was created, God created Jesus, The Elect One.
Seal two broken: A fiery red horse, and it was granted to him to take peace away from the earth, that people should kill one another; and a great sword was given to him.
Seal three Broken: A black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.
(Please make note of this next sentence) " And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying" A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine".
Explanation: ( Believe it or not, This is talking about inflation. The inflation reaches such a ridiculous rate that everyday labourers can not afford to feed themselves and their families properly. But "Do not harm the oil and wine" means that the rich will not be affected by this inflation. Not only that but the rich will not share their wealth with the poor. The Spirit of Greed and Pride. Another Satanic Attribute.
Please note the latest Global Inflation Rates. Well another prophecy fulfilled.
What is so compelling in this data is that no Country in this World has a Negative Inflation Rate. It has continued to rise. Which Ancient Text talks so clearly about these things all being fulfilled. What? Please Note:

Inflation Rate - Countries - List

GViz is Great.

Argentina 10.9010.5420262.80-7.00PercentDec/13Monthly[+]
Australia 3.002.9023.90-1.30PercentJun/14Quarterly[+]
Austria 1.801.9010.20-3.00PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Belgium 0.340.27222.81-18.11PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Brazil 6.506.526821.311.65PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Canada 2.402.3021.60-17.80PercentJun/14Monthly[+]
Chile 4.504.30746.30-3.40PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
China 2.302.3028.40-2.20PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Colombia 2.892.7941.65-0.87PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Czech Republic 0.500.0021.90-0.40PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Denmark 0.800.5013.000.40PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Egypt 10.618.2035.10-4.20PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Euro Area 0.400.505.00-0.70PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Finland 0.800.9019.31-1.54PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
France 0.500.5018.80-0.70PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Germany 0.851.0411.54-7.62PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Greece -0.70-1.1033.70-2.90PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Hong Kong 3.603.7016.00-6.10PercentJun/14Monthly[+]
India 7.967.3111.167.31PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Indonesia 4.536.7082.40-1.17PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Iran 14.6016.5559.02-3.27PercentJun/14Monthly[+]
Iraq 2.301.4076.55-6.37PercentJun/14Monthly[+]
Ireland 0.300.4023.15-6.56PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Israel 0.300.50486.23-2.74PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Italy 0.090.2825.64-2.44PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Japan 3.603.7025.00-2.52PercentJun/14Monthly[+]
Malaysia 3.303.2023.90-2.40PercentJun/14Monthly[+]
Mexico 4.073.75179.732.91PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Netherlands 0.890.9311.19-1.30PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Nigeria 8.208.0047.56-2.49PercentJun/14Monthly[+]
Norway 2.201.9018.90-1.80PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Pakistan 7.888.2237.81-10.32PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Philippines 4.904.4062.80-2.10PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Poland -0.200.3046.50-0.20PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Portugal -0.90-0.4253.90-1.60PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Russia 7.507.802333.303.60PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Saudi Arabia 2.602.7011.10-2.00PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Singapore 1.802.7034.00-3.10PercentJun/14Monthly[+]
South Africa 6.606.6020.900.20PercentJun/14Monthly[+]
South Korea 1.601.7032.500.20PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Spain -0.340.0928.43-1.37PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Sweden 0.000.2015.50-1.60PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Switzerland 0.000.0011.92-1.37PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Taiwan 1.751.6461.46-3.07PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Thailand 2.162.3524.56-4.38PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
Turkey 9.329.16138.71-4.01PercentJul/14Monthly[+]
United Arab Emirates 2.202.0012.30-1.60PercentJun/14Monthly[+]
United Kingdom 1.901.508.500.50PercentJun/14Monthly[+]
United States 2.102.1023.70-15.80PercentJun/14Monthly[+]
Venezuela 60.9061.50115.183.22PercentMay/14Monthly[+]

Seal four Broken: A pale horse, and the name of him that sat on it was Death, and Hades followed him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill, with sword, hunger, with death,and by beasts of the earth.
Explanation: Really? Do I need to mention that Satan is also called Death and the Prince of Hades? He will be given to kill 1/4 of the worlds population by wars, internal, external, and using gangs locally, using famines, natural disasters, suicides, homicides, parricides, matricides, sickness and using beasts of the earth.
Can anyone following my blogs now understand why the prophecies and parabales of Jesus are relevant?
                                  HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS.................
The Fifth Seal Broken: Souls of those who believed in God and Jesus:
9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. 10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” 11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters,[e] were killed just as they had been.
Explanation: Please note: The souls of those crying from the alter are those of all those who believed in The Lord Almighty, Jehovah, El Shaddai. These would be the righteous ones under the Law, before Jesus preached the Gospel and before Christians appeared. Those Righteous Jews included the Prophets and the followers of the Law.
The Law (Mosaic Law) (The Law of Moses) was nullified when Christ Appeared.
The reason being very simple.
When the Rapture happens the souls who are dead in Christ rise first. They are the Jews and Gentiles that believed in Jesus and His Testimony. Then Those who are on earth will transform in a twinkle of an eye and proceed after them and will meet the Lord in the air, where He gathers everyone of every tribe, nationality, and toungue together and hides them for 7 years. Note what is told to them in the Bold letters.
Another reason is that Christians are told to forgive and not to seek revenge for themselves.
Sixth Seal Broken:
12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.
15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us[f] from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of their[g] wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”

Revelation 7 New International Version (NIV)

144,000 Sealed

7 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree. 2 Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: 3 “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” 4 Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.

5 From the tribe of Judah 12,000 were sealed,
from the tribe of Reuben 12,000,
from the tribe of Gad 12,000,

6 from the tribe of Asher 12,000,
from the tribe of Naphtali 12,000,
from the tribe of Manasseh 12,000,

7 from the tribe of Simeon 12,000,
from the tribe of Levi 12,000,
from the tribe of Issachar 12,000,

8 from the tribe of Zebulun 12,000,
from the tribe of Joseph 12,000,
from the tribe of Benjamin 12,000.

The Great Multitude in White Robes

9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. 10 And they cried out in a loud voice:
“Salvation belongs to our God,
who sits on the throne,
and to the Lamb.”

11 All the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures. They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, 12 saying:
Praise and glory
and wisdom and thanks and honor
and power and strength
be to our God for ever and ever.

13 Then one of the elders asked me, “These in white robes—who are they, and where did they come from?”

14 I answered, “Sir, you know.”
And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Therefore,
“they are before the throne of God
and serve him day and night in his temple;
and he who sits on the throne
will shelter them with his presence.
16 ‘Never again will they hunger;
never again will they thirst.
The sun will not beat down on them,’[a]
nor any scorching heat.
17 For the Lamb at the center of the throne
will be their shepherd;
‘he will lead them to springs of living water.’[b]
‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

Explanation: Lord Help Me give the reader Your Word!
While John was watching the sixth seal being opened so many things are happening simultaneously.
1. There was a great earthquake
2. The Sun was darkened
3. The Moon turned Red as blood.
4. The stars in Heaven fell to earth
5. The heavens receeded as if a scroll being rolled up
6. Every mountain and island was moved from it's place.
Note these points down properly......this has a huge implication.
There is only one phenomenon that achieves all these above mentioned points naturally that God will use. Ever heard of a Polar Shift? What has never happened in Earth's History will take place Because God had commanded it. Ready?
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"Polar Shift" redirects here. For the Clive Cussler novel, see Polar Shift (novel). For the Antarctica benefit compilation, see Polar Shift (album).
This article is about the hypothesis of pole shift in its historical context. For a description of the modern scientific understanding, see true polar wander.
For magnetic poles, see Geomagnetic reversal.
The cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis suggests that there have been geologically rapid shifts in the relative positions of the modern-day geographic locations of the poles and the axis of rotation of the Earth, creating calamities such as floods and tectonic events.[1]
There is evidence of precession and changes in axial tilt, but this change is on much longer time-scales and does not involve relative motion of the spin axis with respect to the planet. However, in what is known as true polar wander, the solid Earth can rotate with respect to a fixed spin axis. Research shows that during the last 200 million years a total true polar wander of some 30° has occurred, but that no super-rapid shifts in the Earth's pole were found during this period.[2] A characteristic rate of true polar wander is 1° per million years or less.[3] Between approximately 790 and 810 million years ago, when the supercontinent Rodinia existed, two geologically rapid phases of true polar wander may have occurred. In each of these, the magnetic poles of the Earth shifted by ~55°.[4]

Definition and clarification[edit]

From 1982 to 2005, the pole drifted southeast toward northern Labrador, Canada, at a rate of about 2 milliarcseconds —or roughly 6 centimetres — per year. But in 2005, the pole changed course and began galloping east toward Greenland at a rate of more than 7 milliarcseconds per year. The geographic poles of the Earth are the points on the surface of the planet that are intersected by the axis of rotation. The pole shift hypothesis describes a change in location of these poles with respect to the underlying surface – a phenomenon distinct from the changes in axial orientation with respect to the plane of the ecliptic that are caused by precession and nutation, and is an amplified event of a true polar wander.
Pole shift hypotheses are not connected with plate tectonics, the well-accepted geological theory that the Earth's surface consists of solid plates which shift over a viscous, or semifluid asthenosphere; nor with continental drift, the corollary to plate tectonics which maintains that locations of the continents have moved slowly over the face of the Earth,[5] resulting in the gradual emerging and breakup of continents and oceans over hundreds of millions of years.[6]
Pole shift hypotheses are not the same as geomagnetic reversal, the periodic reversal of the Earth's magnetic field (effectively switching the north and south magnetic poles).

Speculative history[edit]

In popular literature, many conjectures have been suggested involving very rapid polar shift. A slow shift in the poles would display the most minor alterations and no destruction. A more dramatic view assumes more rapid changes, with dramatic alterations of geography and localized areas of destruction due to earthquakes and tsunamis.

Early proponents[edit]

An early mention of a shifting of the Earth's axis can be found in an 1872 article entitled "Chronologie historique des Mexicains"[7] by Charles Étienne Brasseur de Bourbourg, a specialist in Mesoamerican codices who interpreted ancient Mexican myths as evidence for four periods of global cataclysms that had begun around 10,500 BCE. In 1948, Hugh Auchincloss Brown, an electrical engineer, advanced a hypothesis of catastrophic pole shift. Brown also argued that accumulation of ice at the poles caused recurring tipping of the axis, identifying cycles of approximately seven millennia.[8][9]
In his controversial 1950 work Worlds in Collision, Immanuel Velikovsky postulated that the planet Venus emerged from Jupiter as a comet. During two proposed near approaches in about 1,450 BCE, he suggested that the direction of the Earth's rotation was changed radically, then reverted to its original direction on the next pass. This disruption supposedly caused earthquakes, tsunamis, and the parting of the Red Sea. Further, he said near misses by Mars between 776 and 687 BCE also caused the Earth's axis to change back and forth by ten degrees. Velikovsky included in his work references to historical records. His reading of the historical records has been disregarded, and his scientific arguments have been disproven.[10]
Charles Hapgood is now perhaps the best remembered early proponent. In his books The Earth's Shifting Crust (1958) (which includes a foreword by Albert Einstein)[11][12] and Path of the Pole (1970), Hapgood, building on Adhemar's much earlier model,[citation needed] speculated that the ice mass at one or both poles over-accumulates and destabilizes the Earth's rotational balance, causing slippage of all or much of Earth's outer crust around the Earth's core, which retains its axial orientation. Based on his own research, Hapgood argued that each shift took approximately 5,000 years, followed by 20,000- to 30,000-year periods with no polar movements. Also, in his calculations, the area of movement never covered more than 40 degrees. Hapgood's examples of recent locations for the North Pole include Hudson Bay (60˚N, 73˚W), the Atlantic Ocean between Iceland and Norway (72˚N, 10˚E) and Yukon (63˚N, 135˚W). However, in his subsequent work The Path of the Pole, Hapgood conceded Einstein's point that the weight of the polar ice would be insufficient to bring about a polar shift. Instead, Hapgood argued that the forces that caused the shifts in the crust must be located below the surface.[13] Hapgood wrote to a Canadian librarian, Rand Flem-Ath, encouraging him in his pursuit of scientific evidence to back Hapgood's claims and in his expansion of the hypothesis. Flem-Ath published the results of this work in 1995 in When the Sky Fell co-written with his wife.[14]
In 1974 Flavio Barbiero, an engineer and explorer, theorized that shifting of the Earth's axis took place 11,000 years ago and caused what was subsequently recorded in myth as the destruction of Atlantis and Mu. He suggested that shifting was probably caused by the impact of a comet on the Earth's surface and that the current position of Atlantis has to be sought under the Antarctic ice sheet.[15]

Recent conjectures[edit]

The field has attracted a number of authors offering a variety of evidence.
In the 1970s and 1980s a series of books not intended as fiction by former Washington newspaper reporter Ruth Shick Montgomery elaborates on Edgar Cayce readings.[16]
In 1997 Richard W. Noone published 5/5/2000, ICE: The Ultimate Disaster. This book argued that a cataclysmic shift of the Earth's ice cap covering Antarctica caused by a planetary alignment and solar storms, would lead to crustal displacement on May 5, 2000.[17]
In 1998 retired civil engineer James G. Bowles proposed in Atlantis Rising magazine a mechanism by which a polar shift could occur. He named this Rotational-Bending, or the RB-effect. He hypothesized that combined gravitational effects of the Sun and the Moon pulled at the Earth's crust at an oblique angle. This force steadily wore away at the underpinnings that linked the crust to the inner mantle. This generates a plastic zone that allows the crust to rotate with respect to the lower layers. Centrifugal forces would act on the mass of ice at the poles, causing them to move to the equator.[18]
Books on this subject have been published by William Hutton, including the 1996 book Coming Earth Changes: Causes and Consequences of the Approaching Pole Shift (ISBN 0876043619), which compared geologic records with the psychic readings of Edgar Cayce and predicted catastrophic climate changes before the end of 2001. In 2004 Hutton and co-author Jonathan Eagle published Earth's Catastrophic Past and Future: A Scientific Analysis of Information Channeled by Edgar Cayce (ISBN 1-58112-517-8), which summarizes possible mechanisms and the timing of a future pole shift.

Scientific research[edit]

Main article: True polar wander
While there are reputable studies showing that true polar wander has occurred at various times in the past, the rates are much smaller (1° per million years or slower) than predicted by the pole shift hypothesis (up to 1° per thousand years).[2][3][19] Analysis of the evidence does not lend credence to Hapgood's hypothesized rapid displacement of layers of the Earth.[20] Data indicates that the geographical poles have not deviated by more than about 5° over the last 130 million years, contradicting the hypothesis of a cataclysmic polar wander event.[21] More rapid past possible occurrences of true polar wander have been measured: from 790 to 810 million years ago, true polar wander of approximately 55° may have occurred twice.[4] There is no physical evidence of more rapid shifts occurring at any point during Earth's history

Not Convinced? Well Since Jesus fulfilled all the Ancient Prophets Prophecies Let us look what Isaiah Chapter 24 has to say: Ready?
Isaiah 24 New International Version (NIV)

The Lord’s Devastation of the Earth

24 See, the Lord is going to lay waste the earth
and devastate it;
he will ruin its face
and scatter its inhabitants
2 it will be the same
for priest as for people,
for the master as for his servant,
for the mistress as for her servant,
for seller as for buyer,
for borrower as for lender,
for debtor as for creditor.
3 The earth will be completely laid waste and totally plundered.
The Lord has spoken this word.
4 The earth dries up and withers,
the world languishes and withers,
the heavens languish with the earth.
5 The earth is defiled by its people;
they have disobeyed the laws,
violated the statutes
and broken the everlasting covenant.
6 Therefore a curse consumes the earth;
its people must bear their guilt.
Therefore earth’s inhabitants are burned up,
and very few are left.
7 The new wine dries up and the vine withers;
all the merrymakers groan.
8 The joyful timbrels are stilled,
the noise of the revelers has stopped,
the joyful harp is silent.
9 No longer do they drink wine with a song;
the beer is bitter to its drinkers.
10 The ruined city lies desolate;
the entrance to every house is barred.
11 In the streets they cry out for wine;
all joy turns to gloom,
all joyful sounds are banished from the earth.
12 The city is left in ruins,
its gate is battered to pieces.
13 So will it be on the earth
and among the nations,
as when an olive tree is beaten,
or as when gleanings are left after the grape harvest.
14 They raise their voices, they shout for joy;
from the west they acclaim the Lord’s majesty.
15 Therefore in the east give glory to the Lord;
exalt the name of the Lord, the God of Israel,
in the islands of the sea.
16 From the ends of the earth we hear singing:
“Glory to the Righteous One.”
But I said, “I waste away, I waste away!
Woe to me!
The treacherous betray!
With treachery the treacherous betray!
17 Terror and pit and snare await you,
people of the earth.
18 Whoever flees at the sound of terror
will fall into a pit;
whoever climbs out of the pit
will be caught in a snare.
The floodgates of the heavens are opened,
the foundations of the earth shake.
19 The earth is broken up,
the earth is split asunder,
the earth is violently shaken.
20 The earth reels like a drunkard,
it sways like a hut in the wind;
so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion
that it falls—never to rise again.
21 In that day the Lord will punish
the powers in the heavens above
and the kings on the earth below.
22 They will be herded together
like prisoners bound in a dungeon;
they will be shut up in prison
and be punished[a] after many days.
23 The moon will be dismayed,
the sun ashamed;
for the Lord Almighty will reign
on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem,
and before its elders—with great glory

7. All the rich, mighty, princes, kings, free and slaves, poor and everyone else hid in caves and called on the mountains to fall on them and hide them from the one who sits on the throne and the Wrath of the lamb.
Note this down......
8. Then the Angel carrying the Seal of The Lord called out to the 4 Angels not to harm the land, sea, or trees until the foreheads of the Elect ie. The 144000 people reserved for God to be on earth during the Great Tribulation.
9. And suddenly before John's eyes there was a multitude of people dressed in white robes. He is asked by one of the 24 Elders if John knew who these people of different tongues, nations and tribes were. He answers the Elder saying that the Elder knows so if he could let him know who these people were.
The Elder says that these people are those who came out of the Great Tribulation.
Please note: These are those who were washed in the Blood of The Lamb (Jesus).
Hence These are the ones who made Jesus their confession and Salvation. Remember that these multitudes were not visible and they all came unannounced at once together.
Thus confirming the Rapture.
Please note: All these things happened simultaneously. Please note something even more interesting. Those who did not make it in the Rapture fled to the mountains and hid in the mountains, and even recognize that Jesus had done this. They don't want to come face to face with Him. Still this is not the end.
Remember that the 144000 are sealed. So now the Great Tribulation is at hand. Plus Jesus says that for the Elect's sake the world is spared otherwise no flesh would have been saved.
Remember that Jesus said that Immediately after the Great Tribulation(ie the 7 year period where the peace agreement between different Nations Including Israel is confirmed by the Anti-Christ) the Sun will be darkened. But according to the sequence of the seals this suggests that the great tribulation has not taken place, Hence the Rapture occurs before the Great Tribulation throwing out the theory of Post Tribulation. So Either it is Pre- Tribulation, or Mid- Tribulation. I still believe it occurs before in the Pre Trib Era. It is only now that the Elects have been sealed.
So all these things are happening  simultaneously or within a short time frame while the Rapture Occurs.
Now The moons turning Blood red and the Sun not giving its light can only mean total eclipses of the Moon and Sun. Here I post another article:

Blood Moon Prophecy

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The Blood Moon Prophecy is an idea popularized by Christian pastors John Hagee and Mark Biltz, which states that an ongoing tetrad (a series of four consecutive total lunar eclipses, with six full moons in between, and no intervening partial lunar eclipses) which began with the April 2014 lunar eclipse is a sign of the end times.
Lunar eclipse tetrad 2014–2015
Ascending nodeDescending node
Lunar eclipse April 15 2014 California Alfredo Garcia Jr1.jpg
2014 Apr 15
Lunar eclipse from moon-2014Apr15.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2014Apr15.png
1272014 Oct 08
Lunar eclipse from moon-2014Oct08.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2014Oct08.png
1322015 Apr 04
Lunar eclipse from moon-2015Apr04.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2015Apr04.png
1372015 Sep 28
Lunar eclipse from moon-2015Sep28.png
Lunar eclipse chart close-2015Sep28.png


The idea of a "blood moon" serving as an omen of the coming of the end times comes from the Book of Joel, where it is written "the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes."[1] This phrase is again mentioned by Saint Peter during Pentecost, as recorded in Acts.[2]
On April 15, 2014, there was a total lunar eclipse. It was the first of four consecutive total eclipses in a series, known as a tetrad (the remaining three eclipses will take place on October 8, 2014, April 4, 2015, and September 28, 2015). It is one of eight tetrads during the 21st century AD.[3] As with most eclipses, the moon appeared red during the April 15 eclipse.[4][5] The red color is caused by Rayleigh scattering of sunlight through the Earth's atmosphere, the same effect that causes sunsets to appear red.


Please note all the above mentioned dates in 2014 and 2015 fall on the Appointed Feast Days of The Lord Almighty according to the Torah, Having Great Significance!

The Seventh seal Broken:

Revelation 8 New International Version (NIV)

The Seventh Seal and the Golden Censer

8 When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them.
3 Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. 4 The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand. 5 Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake

Please Note: Again take a close look at the breaking of the 7th seal. The Angel hurls the Censer to earth and peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightening and an earthquake occur.
This is a different scenario of the sixth seal.
Note now there are 7 Angels who are given 7 trumpets to sound.
So when these take place the curses of the 7 trumpets have not yet sounded which will take place in a very short time frame.

This is the end of Chapter 9.
Chapter 10 will reveal the prophecies and curses on earth that will come. I hope no man or woman is unsaved. The Wrath of God is truly terrible.
God Bless and May the Lord Keep you Safe!



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