Dear Friends,
I sincerely appreciate your time and energy that you have put into this blog.
As you all can verify, I have not written anything out of context. All of God's Words has been referrenced to the Scriptures.
A great sorrow has taken over my heart. I am going to finish two books soon, by the grace of God.
One about the Rapture and the other a guide those who are left behind.
This sorrow is the knowledge that many people will be left behind. Many people are asking the same questions and are being devoured by ungodly men.
Forgive me if I do not post for a few weeks. If you have any questions please send me an email to
I leave you with this; The Parable of the Narrow Gate and the Broad Gate.
If you remember the parable of The Lord, He says many go through the Broad Gate but it's end is destruction. There are few who enter through the Narrow gate but the destination is Heaven.
As usual, the next question would be why is the gate narrow to enter into Heaven and why are there few who find it?
The narrow gate is hidden, just like the parable of the hidden treasure.
When you find it, you have to give up all you have to enter into it.
The way is not easy, and you have to continue walking once you enter.
You also have to realise that standing in front of the Broad gate there are many false prophets, teachers, religions, doctorines, and traditions that offer comfort, luxury, wordly pleasures, false hope, and pride of life. All these things belong to satan and all these are very appealing to the world.
The narrow gate offers you suffering in the flesh, alienation from your family and friends, unnecessery strife, and humiliation. Sometimes even death. Not very appealing is it?
But at the end is salvation and Glory from God.
I see many people confused, tired, exhausted, busy, and complacent.
I see many people questioning God for many issues.
All those issues have been addressed.
So please, Spread the True Gospel of Jesus Christ and stay away from False teachers.
Read the Word of God with appreciation and ask for wisdom and understanding.
Give thanks for the good and the bad in your life.
Forgive others with Patience.
And follow the Commandments of our Savior Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Our God.
Beware of the teachings of the following Cults:
1. Charismatic Movements
2. Jehovah Witnesses
3. Catholics
4. Mormons
5. Scientology
6. Prosperity Preachers
7. Other false Doctorines.
The reason they can mislead you is because you do not follow the first thing that Jesus says to a believer:
Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. That is His Word in the Scriptures.
Be a believer with sound knowledge of the the Scriptures and noone will decieve you.
No one will prevail against you and Lord Himself will Bless you for Believing.
God Bless you all and do pray for all saints! Glory to the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.